How To Keep a Cat off the Bed ?

How To Keep a Cat off the Bed ? - EGOHOME

Is your feline friend interrupting your sleep by getting on your bed and waking you? If so, you know how aggravating this issue can be, and you must be pondering ways to keep your furry buddy off your bed.

While sharing your bed with your cat has its perks, it isn't always a bed of roses. However, keeping your cat out of bed can be challenging, especially if your four-legged mate is used to it.

With a bit of creativity and patience, you attain the goal. Keep reading to learn all you need to keep your cat off the bed, including insightful tips to help you.

Why You Should Keep Your Cat off the Bed

No cat-human relationship is the same when it comes to sharing the bed. Some owners don't mind having their cats snuggling up with them, while others prefer to keep their beds off-limit.

Are you wondering whether you need to start setting boundaries? Here are some reasons to keep your cat off your bed.


If you're allergic to cats, letting your cat on your bed should be an automatic “no!” Otherwise, you risk introducing cat hair and dander into your space, including your bedding. That dander and hair can aggravate your allergy symptoms.

Night Activity

Cats are nocturnal animals, with some getting more energized and active at night. In their eyes, your moving limbs make good play toys for your furry buddy to pounce on, kick, or bite. Having your cat on the bed gets you right in the middle of the action, ruining your sleep.

Sleep Quality

Sleep experts suggest that having your four-legged friends on the bed can disrupt sleep. It's especially true for pet owners with sleep disorders, including insomnia and light sleepers. Conversely, if you're a restless sleeper, you could be the one ruining your pet's sleep.


You could injure yourself or your kitty if you share the bed at night. In particular, there’s a chance of rolling over and hurting your cat or getting scratched. Also, the fear of doing so can trigger anxiety, reducing sleep quality.

6 Tips To Get Your Cat off the Bed

Luckily, there are various options for keeping your furry companion off your bed. But you may need to try several solutions since what works for one pet owner may not work for your kitty.

Train Your Cat

If you want your bed to be off-limits for your cat, it's a good idea to start training them as soon as possible. The training is notably easier for new owners bringing kittens into their space. As your kitten starts exploring their home, you should place the rules for off-limits areas, including your bed.

However, all isn't lost if your feline friend is much older. Training may take time, but with consistency, you can break the habit of them sleeping on your bed. The best way is to redirect your cat's attention through toys and treats.

Establishing or developing a new nighttime routine may also be beneficial. A play pattern before sleep can drain your cat's energy, keeping them from demanding playtime in the middle of the night.

You may find that telling your kitty pal "no" is an effective option. Cats are brilliant at learning commands, and "no" can be among them. This instruction works better with a kitten, but older cats can learn, too.

Get Your Cat a Bed

It's little surprise that your fluffy mattress seems highly appealing to your fluffy mate. Your cat loves warmth and comfort, so they'll likely find it in your bed if there's no alternative. Given that, getting your cat a comfortable bed may be a wise investment.

You’ll need to ensure the bed is safe and comfortable enough for them. Your cat's preferences and sleep behavior will help you get the right bed for their needs.

For instance, if they enjoy snuggling beneath your bedding or in closed areas, consider getting a hooded cat bed. Senior and hairless cats fancy extra warmth, so a heated bed is perfect. If your feline mate turns into an adrenaline junkie at night, consider getting them a “condo” to provide multi-level platforms for your cat to climb, jump, and sleep.

Finally, the spot you place the cat bed will determine whether your cat will stay off your bed. Place the bed somewhere quiet to give your fluffy buddy a sense of safety. You can also accommodate their preferences when placing the cat bed.

Crate Your Cat

Crating may seem unconventional for cats, as it's typically reserved for dogs. However, the method works just as well for feline buddies. All you need is to train your pet to stay comfortable in the crate, and this could be as easy as teaching them to adapt to a new bed.

Cats prefer to sleep in small spaces, so your crate's size should only be ample enough for your fluffy mate to stand, lie, and stretch comfortably. Consider sprucing up the crate to make it appealing and comfortable.

For instance, add a pillow or cushion to make it comfortable, and boost the crate’s appeal using treats. Also, you can spray the crate with pheromones to make it more inviting to your cat. Don't forget to include toys in the crate to entertain your friend if they wake up at night.  

Provide Designated Cat Furniture

Kitties typically prefer to rest on elevated platforms to feel safe, so try designating a piece or two of furniture in your home for them.

You’ll want to train them enough that they recognize these pieces are for them while emphasizing that they are not allowed to climb on others.

Adding a piece of furniture in your bedroom, such as a padded cat tree, can often entice them away from your cozy bed. 

Close the Bedroom Door

While it might sound obvious, closing your bedroom door is one option to keep your furry buddy off your bed. Even if you want to give your pet plenty of freedom, there’s no getting around closing your bedroom door at night or when you're not home to keep your kitty mate out.

Moreover, your cat will still have the rest of the house to roam and explore at night. That way, you'll enjoy a good night's sleep and rest at ease knowing your furball won't get into the room to cause havoc. 

Taking this approach will mean you’ll have to consistently follow this rule. Most cats will not adapt to shutting the door for a day or two unless you take additional measures to keep them off the bed.

Make Your Bed Undesirable

If you try out the tips above and your cat still sleeps on your bed, there are other effective ways to make your bed undesirable. 

Use a Cat Repellant

You can get a cat repellent spray and use it on your body and bedding to keep them from your bedroom space. These sprays are typically used to prevent felines from scratching and peeing on furniture and carpets, but they may encourage cats to get off the bed.

Citrus- and eucalyptus-scented sprays also keep cats off the bed due to their strong smell. So, besides doing this job well, the sprays will leave your bedroom space smelling nice and fresh.

Use Double-Sided Tape

Attaching double-sided tape to your comforter is another effective deterrent. Cats dislike unusual sensations, particularly sticky ones, and attaching a double-sided tape to your feline friend's favorite bed section will make it unpleasant. That should be enough to push them to find comfort elsewhere.

Use Plastic Runner Liner

If you are unwilling to use double-sided tape on your bed, cover it with a plastic runner liner all day. The liner works wonders in keeping your kitty off the bed, as they dislike the plastic feel. That's not all, as it will also prevent dander and hair from building up on your bedding, which is another plus.

What To Avoid

While your main goal is to keep your cat off the bed, you still need to guarantee their well-being. We recommend you stick to feline-friendly positive or redirection methods, as this approach can't harm your furry buddy.

Therefore, ultrasonic deterrents top the list of things to avoid in your pursuit to keep your cat off the bed. Such items may trigger stress, causing discomfort to your fluffy mate even when they aren't jumping on your bed. Moreover, high-pitched noises often trigger redirected aggression in felines.

Set Boundaries With Your Pet

Being a cat parent can seem overwhelming at times. We recommend setting boundaries for a healthy, fluffy buddy relationship.

Time, patience, and determination will be your best friends when educating your cat to stay off the bed. Don't lose hope if the first several methods don't work as well as you'd want. Experiment until you're confident your cat understands the importance of staying out of bed.

Comment below to share with your fellow cat parents what helps you keep your fluffy mate off the bed.