How to Clean Mattress Stains?

Keeping our mattresses clean and fresh is essential. A clean bed is a major determining factor in how well you sleep. It also plays a significant role in your physical health.  

Unfortunately, it's not hard for a mattress to get dirty. Whether it's due to food or accidents, our beds can quickly become dirty.

As a result, mattresses can become stained. Stains can be very challenging to remove, depending on the liquid and the mattress material.

Luckily, there are solutions to remove every kind of stain. Let's look at how to clean mattress stains and get them as clean as possible.

How to Clean Urine Stains From a Mattress?

If you have little ones or pets, it's nearly impossible to go without facing at least one urine accident on your mattress.

If the urine is dry, it may be a little more challenging to clean, and you'll want to use a powerful solution.

One great solution to remove dried urine is hydrogen peroxide. It breaks down urine compounds by way of oxidation.

It's strong enough to remove odor and color but can alter the material, like bleach.

If you use hydrogen peroxide, it's best to spot-test before cleaning. Then, spray it on a small area and wait a few minutes to see the outcome.

If you think hydrogen peroxide may be too harsh, an enzyme-based spot cleaner is a perfect alternative. This solution is specially made to remove and treat pet and human urine.

Here's how you can use either of these solutions to remove urine from a mattress:

1. Make the Solution

In an empty spray bottle, combine three tablespoons of baking soda, 2-4 drops of laundry detergent (liquid) or dish soap, and 8 ounces of hydrogen peroxide in a bowl.

2. Spray the Stain

Dampen the stain but ensure it's not soaking wet, then allow it to sit on the mattress until it's dry. After 4 to 6 hours, a foamy layer of baking soda will have formed.

3. Vacuum the Area

After it's completely dry, you can begin vacuuming the mattress. Ensure you're cleaning into the cracks and crevices.

4. Check for Remaining Stains

Check to see if the stains are gone; if not, repeat the first three steps.

How to Clean Blood Stains From a Mattress?

Unfortunately, at some point, you may encounter blood on your mattress.

Remove it as quickly as possible because blood can get tricky if you don't act fast.

If the stain is fresh and hasn't set in, use cold water to remove it. Do not use hot water because it will cause the stain to set.

Hot water on blood causes the protein in the blood to cook, essentially locking the stain in. Cold water works the opposite way by breaking down the blood.

If the blood is fresh, you only need to take a cloth, wet it with cold water, and clean the area.

1. Create a Paste with Meat Tenderizer

For this step, you will need a pack of meat tenderizer powder and two teaspoons of cold water to create a paste. The meat tenderizer has enzymes that will work to dissolve the blood’s proteins.

2. Apply It to the Blood Stain

Put the paste over the stain and wait 30 minutes. This will allow the paste to soak and break down proteins properly.

3. Scrub the Stain

Next, use cold water and a toothbrush to scrub the area until the stain is removed. Then blot the spot with a cloth to soak up any excess. You can also use a vacuum or a bigger brush to remove it.

How to Clean Sweat Stains From a Mattress?

We sweat every night during sleep; unfortunately, all those bodily oils and sweat become trapped inside our mattresses. And to make matters worse, these stains can turn yellow over time.

One way to clean sweat stains on a mattress is by using baking soda. You only need to apply it and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

If baking soda doesn’t work, another option is Hydrogen peroxide. 

However, as previously mentioned, it can act like bleach, so use caution.

1. Mix a Cleaning Solution

Combine, in a spray bottle, one cup of water with a cup of hydrogen peroxide. Also, mix in one-third of a cup of dish soap.

2. Apply It to the Sweat Stains  

After spraying it on the stains, allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes. Then, rub the mixture with a brush or a cloth.

3. Absorb With Water  

Take a cloth and blot the area, ensuring you absorb the solution. Next, let the area air dry. Lastly, check the sites to see if the stains are gone. If any residual stains are left, repeat the first three steps.

How To Clean Drink Spills From a Mattress?

A common cause of mattress stains is beverages. One way to remove them fast is by cleaning up the liquid as soon as the spill happens.

Take a cloth and dab as much of the spill as you can. This will help to decrease the chances of a harsh stain.

Even if you cannot clean it up quickly, you can still successfully remove the stain. One method is placing salt on the spot after you've blotted it.

Next, you want to rub the salt on the area and blot it again after you're done. Finally, vacuum the spot to clean everything up. Baking soda can be used for this method as well.

For older or stubborn drink stains, try this:

1. Mix the Solution 

Mix 10 parts of water, one part of laundry detergent, and one part of vinegar into a spray bottle.

2. Spray the Area

Lightly spray the area until it's damp enough but not soaked. Next, take a toothbrush, lightly scrub the area, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

3. Gently Blot

Take a dampened towel or cloth and blot until the excess liquid is absorbed. If there's too much liquid, then repeat the first three steps.

How To Do a Regular Cleaning of Your Mattress?

Now that you’ve learned how to clean mattress stains, let’s look at how to clean them regularly. It's essential to keep your mattress clean, deodorized, and fresh. Deodorizing assists in removing odor, while cleaning helps remove bodily oils.  

Both cleanliness and deodorization can be accomplished with cornstarch and baking soda. Corn starch helps absorb the oils, and the baking soda removes odors.   

1. Deodorizing With Baking Soda  

Eliminating body odor with baking soda is the easiest method to apply. Sprinkle it all over the mattress and let it sit for 30 minutes.

If you have more time, then it's recommended to leave it for two hours. Afterward, thoroughly vacuum.

2. Get Rid of Body Oils with Corn Starch

Corn starch is a great way to pull oils out of your mattress. Mix one cup of baking soda with one tablespoon of cornstarch and apply it to your mattress.

The Best Mattress Stain Removers

A store-bought mattress stain remover is great, especially if you are unsuccessful in trying other methods. Mattress stain removers help to clean, deodorize, and clear up stains all at once.

Here are a few effective stain removers guaranteed to get rid of stains safely.

1. Good Life Solutions Stain Remover & Odor Eliminator

This mattress stain remover is plant-based but equally as powerful as the typical stain remover. It contains no toxic ingredients, and it has bio-enzymes that banish stains.

An added benefit to the stain remover is that it's entirely safe for the family, including pets and kids. It can eliminate stains caused by dirt, blood, vomit, drinks, urine, and food. It can also be used on other surfaces like carpets, sofas, and rugs.

2. Woolite Instaclean Stain Remover

This stain remover works very fast and can remove the most stubborn stains. It's formulated with the powerful Oxy-Clean.  

It lifts stains quickly and begins working as soon as it's applied. It also deodorizes, leaving your mattress smelling fresh.

3. Rug Doctor Spot & Stain Remover

The Rug Doctor stain remover combats a variety of stains, including permanent markers, urine, blood, food, and coffee. It can even combat oil, grass, and mud stains.

This mattress stain remover can also be used on other materials and surfaces, such as carpets, rugs, sofas, and upholstery.

Tips on Keeping Your Mattress Clean for an Extended Time?

It may sound like a difficult feat, but striving to keep your clean mattress daily is essential. Keeping your bed clean daily will help it to last much longer than its original warranty.

  • Wash bed linens in hot water each week
  • Use a mattress protector to safeguard against spills and other stains.
  • If you notice any sagging, tears, or lumps, let your manufacturer know upon finding them. You may be able to receive a new mattress, depending on your warranty.
  • Notice if your foundation is sinking or falling.
  • Clean up new stains as quickly as possible.
  • Rotateand flip your mattress. It should be rotated 180 degrees and flipped every six months.  
  • Avoid eating or drinking on your bed.
  • Change your sheets at least once a week.
  • Spot clean spills immediately after they happen.
  • Use a handheld vacuum to keep it clean.

Why Is a Clean Mattress Important?

It's essential to keep your mattress clean for several reasons, but mainly because it's better for your well-being. This is because so many organisms and bacteria could be living inside your bed.

If left untreated, they could hurt your health. These bacteria and organisms include bed bugs, staphylococcus, and dust mites. These organisms can cause congestion, itching, bites, coughing, sneezing, and skin infections.

Skin is easily affected by a dirty mattress and can lead to rashes or eczema. Also, acne and dermatitis can develop from dust, dander, and even dead skin cells inside your mattress.

It's also critical to understand that although your mattress is new, it could still contain bacteria and organisms. Studies show that mattresses less than ten years old had staph and e. Coli. So, ensure you're deep cleaning your mattress as often as possible.   

Also, if you have an existing health condition, not properly maintaining your mattress can cause your condition to worsen if your mattress isn't clean.

A dirty mattress affects the air quality in your bedroom. Bad air quality can negatively impact your breathing and cause further health problems.

Should You Have Your Mattress Cleaned Professionally?

Although it's nice to clean your mattress, and several methods typically work, it's also a great alternative to have it cleaned professionally. Sometimes our daily schedules don't allow us to ensure we can keep them clean ourselves.

There are a few benefits to getting your mattress cleaned by a professional, but the top reason would be convenience. Also, if you're not careful, you could accidentally cause damage to your mattress, which is another benefit of professional cleaning.

Despite this, whether you decide to clean it or have it cleaned professionally, ensure you take care of your mattress.


See below for quick answers to some common questions about cleaning mattresses.

Do I need a mattress protector?

You don’t need a mattress protector, but it can protect your mattress from stains and keep you warmer in the winter.

How often should I clean my mattress?

It would be best to clean your mattress at least once every six months. If you have the time to clean it more often, even better. Don’t forget to rotate it and turn it often as well.

Can I use my steam cleaner on my mattress?

Using a steam cleaner on your mattress is not a good idea because it will add moisture, which can create mold and mildew.  


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