Can You Sleep with a Face Mask On?

Can You Sleep with a Face Mask On? - EGOHOME

Wearing a mask while sleeping can enhance the therapeutic process that your skin undergoes during sleep. It also gives your skin ample time to absorb the active ingredients in the nighttime mask, improving dry and dull skin.

This post answers the question, "can you sleep with a mask on?" and explores the benefits, tips, and drawbacks.

How Do Face Masks Work

Face masks use ingredients that contain high amounts of minerals and nutrients, which help in cleansing, hydrating, or exfoliating your skin. These ingredients are left on your skin for a few minutes to absorb into the pores.

Face masks contain collagen peptides and ceramides that help moisturize your skin. The masks may also contain vitamin C, salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, and glycolic acid. According to the National Library of Medicine, masks containing acids help in many ways.

  • Hydrate and moisturize the skin
  • Remove impurities
  • Pull out excess oils
  • Minimize the signs of aging
  • Improve overall skin appearance

Reasons To Sleep with a Face Mask On

Is it safe to sleep with a face mask on? Yes, provided it's made for overnight use. Sleeping with a face mask can be one of the best ways to protect and nourish your skin while you sleep.

Here are some of the benefits of adding face masks to your nightly self-care routine.

Relaxation and Beauty Sleep

Nighttime face masks make your skin look better because they lock in the ingredients needed for moisturization, exfoliation, and nourishment throughout the night. They can also help you relax, especially if they contain aromatic essential oils such as rosemary and mint.

Rosemary is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging oil. Mint has antiseptic properties that help to keep acne at bay. The combination of these two ingredients helps your skin to relax and heal.

Sleep doctors agree that a consistent nighttime routine leads to better sleep. Dermatologists emphasize the role of sleep on beauty and skin health.

Applying a face mask at night can become a healthy bedtime routine that helps you sleep faster and maintain healthier skin into your golden years.

Deep Cleansing

If you are wondering, "can I sleep with a mask on for detox?", the answer is yes. Wearing a detox mask at night helps draw out impurities that can clog pores and cause breakouts. They also exfoliate dead skin cells. As a result, they help your skin complexion to stay radiant.

Nighttime face masks contain ingredients that boost circulation and kill bacteria to enhance skin cell mitosis when you sleep. They are ideal for those who want to eliminate blemishes quickly without scrubbing their faces raw or using harsh cleansers.

Rejuvenation and Restoration

When you go to bed, your body naturally produces melatonin. This hormone helps regulate sleep cycles but also has anti-aging properties that work on the skin.

Melatonin protects against UV damage, reduces inflammation, and stimulates collagen production in the dermal matrix.

When you sleep with a face mask that contains melatonin serum, the natural rejuvenation results are doubled. The face masks stimulate robust antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that leave you with flawless skin and a radiant glow.

Slowed Aging

Sleeping with the right overnight mask on can help restore elasticity to your skin by increasing blood circulation and skin cell oxygenation. It is especially helpful if you have damaged skin, loose skin, or dark spots.

Nightly face masks can also help your other skincare products to work more efficiently. It helps your skin to absorb serums and day lotions deeper and faster, leading to better results.

Reduced Dark Spots

Dark circles and spots can make you look tired and older. Sleeping with a face mask can help reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation of the skin. The best bedtime face mask is because it contains ingredients such as vitamin C, which works to lighten dark patches.

Types of Face Masks To Wear Before Bedtime

Here is what you need to know about the different types of face masks.


Cream-based masks have a rich, smooth texture. These masks are good before bed because they contain heavy moisturizers that help hydrate the skin. Check that it's labeled overnight before you sleep with the cream mask on.

Cream masks can help reduce the visible signs of aging and repair sun-damaged skin. They give your skin the extra boost it needs to withstand the daytime's harsh realities. They are also less messy, which makes them ideal for nighttime use.


Gel masks have a lightweight texture, and their consistency is similar to jelly. When you apply a gel- mask before bedtime, your skin will work on absorbing the active ingredients while you sleep.

This type of face mask is ideal for normal to oily skin types. Most gel masks contain astringent ingredients such as black and raspberries, which reduce oils and tighten skin.

Check the package's use directions before leaving this mask on at night.


Clay masks are an excellent choice for treating skin problems related to inflammation and excessive oil. These masks contain astringent, exfoliating, and absorbing properties.

When you apply a clay-based face mask before bed, it helps to remove impurities and cleanse your skin as you sleep. Therefore, your face might look brighter and glowing when you wake up the following day.


These masks are ideal for use before bed because they remove dead skin cells and enhance your skin's regrowth. They contain ingredients that dissolve dead skin cells and remove them from your skin's surface. The result is clearer and smoother skin.

How To Apply a Face Mask Before Bed

Your skin is more relaxed when you sleep. If you properly apply an overnight face mask, the treatment will penetrate deeper into your pores, which helps deliver better rejuvenation. Here is what to do.

Start with a Freshly Cleaned Face

Before applying your face mask, it's essential to use your daily cleanser, which will remove oils and makeup. This step helps to ensure that your skin gets all the benefits of your face mask.

Cleanse your face with warm water and a mild cleanser to remove all traces of makeup, dirt, and oil. Pat dry with a towel and let your skin air dry.

Apply Mask Evenly

When it comes to skincare products, more isn't necessarily better. Apply a thin layer of overnight mask on your face and rub it in to amplify its benefits.

Leave It Overnight

The duration varies. While some masks act quickly, and you can remove them in minutes, others are designed to be left overnight so that they can deeply hydrate your skin.

It's always important to review the directions on the package before applying the particular product to know the right time to remove it.

Use a Damp Cloth

If you aggressively scrub off the mask, you will undo its benefits. Instead, gently remove it with a damp cloth and lukewarm water. Ensure the washcloth is soft and clean to prevent it from irritating your skin.

When To Sleep with a Mask

You might want to sleep with a facial mask on for many reasons. Here are a few of them:

  • If you have dry skin, apply a hydrating face mask before bed to help lock in moisture.
  • If you have oily skin, use a pore-tightening mask to help keep your pores clean and clear.
  • People with blemish-prone skin should use an acne-fighting mask at night to help reduce breakouts.
  • For those with sensitive skin, sleep masks without fragrances or colors will help soothe irritated patches on your face.

When Not To Sleep with a Mask

It's best to avoid sleeping with any face mask if you have sensitive skin. The skin needs to be allowed to breathe. People with sensitive skin may find that acne breaks out too frequently when they use overnight masks.

Tips for Sleeping with a Face Mask

Most masks provide users with a usage guide to get desired results. Here are some useful tips for wearing a mask while sleeping:

Perform an oil cleanse before applying your mask. Remove all the oil and dirt from your face so that nothing gets trapped when you apply the mask. You can use a warm washcloth to do this.

Before using a face mask, you test a little on your skin to ensure it doesn't cause an allergic reaction. Apply your mask to clean dry skin. Wait for it to harden before you sleep, so you don't ruin your bedding.

Avoid sleeping with masks that contain activated charcoal unless you have oily skin because they may be too drying.

How Often Can You Sleep with a Mask On?

Consider using a face mask once or even up to three times a week. However, this depends on your skin type. If you have normal to dry skin, you should use it less frequently than oily skin.

It's also important to gradually introduce nighttime masking, cleansing, toning, and facial essence into your skincare routine. The skin needs time to adapt to the new products and ingredients.


For healthier skin and overall wellness, it is critical to get between seven and nine hours of sleep. You augment the benefits of sleep on your skin by using an overnight face mask. Hopefully, this article has answered your big question: can you sleep with a mask on?